I was at Etua during the last Easter break and I visited Ezebaja.

Ezebaja now wears a new look, perhaps this is so because of the additional blocks of classrooms provided by the government through the Universal Basic Education system.

Despite the aforementioned structural improvements the school is grossly dilapidating in structure and human capital development and something must be done urgently to resuscitate this form of decay.

Ezebaja is mismanaged!

I drove into the school one evening and took photographs. I did not meet anyone in the school premises as there were no security men. I was surprised that Ezebaja is like an ungoverned space. Anyone can walk in there unrestrained and unleash maximum damage and nobody will know.

This is unacceptable!

I carried out a research at my shot stay in the village and the reports were quite gory to say the least. While the school is unfenced and unguarded Ezebaja is often overrun by fire from adjourning forest which has left the school a shadow of itself and everyone is quiet. The effects of such inferno has made indelible defects even on the new structures with its roof hugely damaged.

I do not understand why we should allow the only viable government institution in Etua be forced into extinction while we helplessly watch our legacy in ruins.

There are insufficient teachers in the school and the students are the worst hit in the circumstance. It’s time to fixed Ezebaja. We must resolve here and now to do something very urgently to save Ezebaja from extinction.

Let us deploy a seven-man committee to do in-depth findings and the cost of employing more teachers, costs of renovating the burnt roofs to revamp both human capital infrastructure and structural development.

Once we get an idea of the cost then we can go ahead to source for Rural Educational Grants from international organizations, sponsors, and/or government to enhance and rebuild Ezebaja, beautify it and maintain same with corporate security guards employed to ensure adequate security in the school and neighborhood.

~ Evans Ufeli Esq : For Etua Worldwide